With the Zuck at the helm full-time, Facebook continued its expansion plans. In December Australian and New Zealand universities were included, along with high schools from Mexico, the UK, and Ireland. That meant there were now 2,500 colleges and 25,000 high schools with access to Facebook.
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The situation for SEIS is different: SEIS will be deployed on the surface of Mars, where the daily temperature variations can be larger than 80 K and the instrument has to integrate this major design constraint from the very beginning. In addition, the instrument will be installed on very low rigidity material and must be protected against all forces, either related to its tether link or to wind stresses, which will induce instrument displacements on the ground. The objective of the SEIS noise model is therefore double: first to provide an estimate of the instrument noise for the various bandwidths of interest and, secondly, to help refine, where necessary, the requirements of SEIS subsystems and of the various interfaces with the lander and HP3, including during the deployment. In some cases, the noise model had led us to consider including additional sensors on the InSight lander to help us decorrelate the seismometer output from the environmental contributions, as already illustrated on Earth for a magnetometer (Forbriger et al. 2010) and micro-barometer (Zürn and Widmer 1995; Beauduin et al. 1996; Zürn et al. 2007). See Murdoch et al. (2017b) for the implementation on InSight.
The first step was to build a seismic noise model identifying and evaluating all possible contributors, including the instrument self-noise and the instrument sensitivity to the external environment. This is described in detail in Mimoun et al. (2017) and is only briefly summarized here. This ensures that a complete estimate of the noise of the instrument in the Martian environment can be made. Then we have followed the performance maturation loop during the mission design and development. As is standard with any design process, all the parts of the system changed in their performance, from estimated values to measured and validated values. The noise model allows the consequences of the evolution of these performances to be tracked throughout the mission design and development process.
Thermal variations are expected to be the source of the largest non-seismic excursion of the VBBs output. As an example, Streckeisen STS-2 seismometers have a no-centering range of \(\pm 25^\circ\mboxC\) for temperature and \(\pm 0.03^\circ\) for Earth tilt (Kinemetrics 2017), corresponding to sensitivities of about \(2\times 10^-5\mboxm/\mboxs^2/^\circ\mboxC\) and comparable or better thermal sensitivities were required in order to not only have a continuous daily recording without recentering but also to meet thermal noise requirements at 100 s. Due to the lack of testing capabilities in Earth conditions and to the possibility to encounter aging, an active thermal compensator device has been integrated in the VBB design. The function of this second mechanism included on the VBB pendulum is to minimize the dependence of the sensor output signal on temperature variations. This allows reducing the part of the noise due to temperature in the VBB recordings and in turn allows to maximize the gain of the sensor.
The two main purposes of the three identical linear actuators in the LVL subsystem are the ability to level the SEIS sensor assembly from inclinations up to 15 by independently extending or retracting their telescopic legs and to transmit the seismic movements from the ground to the seismic sensors. An unbiased transmission of seismic motion is only possible with the first eigenfrequency of the sensor assembly much higher than the bandwidth for the measurements. This leads to a stiffness requirement for the extendable legs of the linear actuator which defines the geometrical shape and the guidance of the movable leg in the housing (Fig. 54). The stiffness has by system design a maximum value when the telescopic leg is mostly retracted; the stiffness decreases with extending the leg.
The design of the mechanism for the linear movement is driven by geometrical requirements. With the effective diameter of the LVL structural ring of 250 mm, the required travel for a compensation of 15 inclination is 59 mm for each linear actuator. Due to the volume envelope of the sensor assembly, the gearmotor has to be mounted beside the housing with a spur gearhead on top. Mechanical end stops on the telescopic leg keep the moving part in place.
The design and production of the electronics in the red boxed part and the top level integration of SEIS-EBX has been conducted under the auspices of ETH Zurich. The blocks VBB-FB[123] are part of the VBB sensors, the block SP-FB is part of the SP sensors and the block LVL-MDE is part of the leveling system. The description in this section mainly focuses on the functions included in the SEIS-AC and the SEIS-DC, i.e. the red boxed part.
This electronic must withstand the harsh environment during cruise to and operations on Mars. To overcome adverse effects due to radiation, vacuum and temperature variations, only space-qualified components can be used and dedicated design techniques are needed. These techniques include latch-up protection for analog circuits and an FPGA design with implementation of Triple Mode redundancy (TMR) for flip-flops, safe state machines and Error Detection and Correction (EDAC) for memories.
The SEIS instrument assembly includes a series of structures designed to mechanically couple the seismometer sensors to the Martian regolith while hermetically, thermally and mechanically isolating the core VBB and SP pendulums from the surrounding Mars atmospheric and thermal environment. The Evacuated Container (EC) contains the VBB sensors, the Remote Warm Enclosure Box (RWEB) contains the EC and the rest of the sensor assembly and the Wind and Thermal Shield (WTS) is placed over the whole sensor assembly as the final layer of protection.
The liquid precursor was cast in six Ti-6Al-4V cylinders, designed to utilize the available space in the instrument without interference. A total of \(33\mboxcm^3\) ZLA was super-critically dried in the cylinders, then outgassed and sealed with a lid. To avert the risk of particle transport, the 1 cm diameter opening on the lid provided molecular access to the getters through \(1\upmu\mboxm\) filters without noticeably affecting the adsorption rate. The silica aerogel provides a mesoporous network, in which the zeolite particles were dispersed, providing excellent molecular conductance to the zeolite particles. This dramatically increases the effectiveness of the zeolite adsorption in comparison with their standard pellet form applications.
An example was the realistic T-Rex that is able to be captured by Mario. The developers looked back for inspiration from familiar Super Mario World elements in Dinosaur Land, although they wanted to use a design that was "unseen" in a Mario game.[19] Familiar gameplay elements include the "8-bit" side-scrolling areas of the kingdoms, reminiscent to Super Mario Bros. in which progress is more "confined" and "precise." This was intended to be an engaging contrast to the 3D sandbox environments.
We redesigned over eighty Material Expressions to include in-line editing of constant values and properties directly on the node in the Material Graph. This is a powerful quality-of-life improvement for the Material editing workflow, as users no longer need to select a node and edit values in the Details panel in many cases.
Output from Virtual Camera now includes support for WebRTC Pixel Streaming, offering a more reliable and performant streaming option that can be viewed both in the Live Link VCam app as well as in any web browser. Virtual Camera also now includes support for Enhanced Input in Editor, to allow for remappable control of the VCam with any supported hardware device. These changes are enabled by default on the new VCamActor, which replaces VirtualCamera2Actor, alongside a redesigned default operator HUD focused on a Live Action Camera-Like feel and a clean frame image.
Refactored FGenericAccessibleMessageHandler to raise accessible events that include user Id and additional arguments. This allows more information to be passed around for modules that require more accessibility information, such as User or Controller Id. This creates the basis for multiple users to use the screen reader at the same time. 2ff7e9595c